Hi, I'm Paula. Here's a bit about me.

I am a multifaceted lifelong learner. In my studies I’ve excelled and have always been drawn to math and science. I’ve had successful careers and enjoy facing challenges and having opportunities to make systems operate more smoothly and efficiently. I always strive to go beyond my duties and exceed expectations. Besides my professional experiences, I have had many wonderful opportunities to learn new and different skills through many diverse volunteer positions.

I am currently enrolled in nine self-paced study programs and am actively studying four of them. I’m working towards re-entering college to earn a degree in computer science. My self-study has unveiled a subdued fascination and passion for the computer languages, programming, and web developing. Why I didn’t get into this field sooner is a funny story I’d be happy to tell sometime. I work well with others on a team, am an encouraging, hands-on leader, and do well working solo.

So here I am changing careers to chase my dreams and learn all I can about web development, programming, user interfaces, frontend and backend development, and app development, I have ideas running through my head constantly and this profession is a great conduit for putting those ideas into action! I’d love the opportunity to learn and grow with you and to see how my; life experiences, education, training, and out of the box thinking can make positive changes for you.


A representation of my skill proficiency.

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Years Computer Experience


GitHub Contributions


Websites Crafted


Programming Languages

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© Copyright Paula Culler 2021